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Published in Earth's Future: The Expanding Footprint of Rapid Arctic Change

September 16, 2019

Dr. Francis Wiese shares insights regarding sea level rise, extreme weather, infrastructure damage, and coastal erosion

As the Arctic warms faster than the rest of the globe, permafrost, land ice and sea ice are disappearing at unprecedented rates. These changes affect not only the infrastructure, economies and cultures of the Arctic, they have significant impacts elsewhere as well, according to a commentary published today in the journal Earth’s Future, co-authored by Dr. Francis Wiese, Stantec National Lead for Marine Science based in Anchorage, Alaska.

Earth’s Future is a transdisciplinary journal examining the state of the planet and its inhabitants, sustainable and resilient societies, the science of the Anthropocene, and predictions of our common future through research articles, reviews and commentaries. Wiese and 14 others from multiple disciplines wrote the paper.

Key findings in the commentary include:

  • Rapid changes in the Arctic physical environment have substantial impacts in low and mid latitudes.
  • Loss of sea ice, land ice, and permafrost is accelerating, and these losses are further exacerbating climate change.
  • Effects of Arctic change include rising sea level, increased coastal erosion, greater storm impacts, and ocean and atmospheric warming.

Read full article in Earth's Future.

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