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The other shoe is dropping: Engineering solutions to over-sized carbon footprints

October 13, 2022

Dr. Francis Wiese talks with Alaska Business magazine about climate change and possible solutions

The carbon-emissions problem has far-reaching ramifications, and it requires everyone working together to address the issue. Earth’s climate has always fluctuated, often driven by changes in the atmosphere, but changes observed in recent decades are faster and more extreme than at any recorded time. Human burning of fossil fuels has led to atmospheric greenhouse gas (GHG) concentrations not seen for millions of years, says Francis Wiese, science director of climate solutions at Stantec in Anchorage.

“These high concentrations have led to sharp increases in water and air temperatures across the globe, affecting our natural resources on land, rivers, lakes, and ocean,” he says. “This, in turn, is threatening food security, economic safety, and human well-being around the world. Because this is a global crisis, no one person, company, or country can solve this alone; only working together, and everyone doing what they can at all levels simultaneously to reduce their carbon footprint, do we stand a chance to eventually reverse the effects of climate change.”

Read the full article in Alaska Business.

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